Saturday 2 March 2013

Being a BIG sister in house!

Being a BIG sister is indeed part of best gift that Allah has granted to me. Alhamdulillah. Big doesn't come with Big size only. Being BIG sister need to have special BIG combo which includes:

1. Big mouth so that you can scold them clearly while they're doing a mistake.

"Kan akak dah cakap jangan...bla bla bla bla"
"busuk mulut kakak ni kalau meleter"

2. Big eyes so that you can watch them out easily.

" tu buat apa tu"
"baca buku lah, main marah baca buku marah, marah, marah, marah"

3. Big achievements, so that you can easily inspiring them by telling your story.

" dulu kak pira buat UPSR, PMR, SPM tu tutup mata jak"
" tipu jak,kalau tutp mata, macam mana mau menulis"

4. Big hand so that you can punch them on their face, cubit them and karate them if they don't listen.

"Iman tolong ambilkan air untuk kak pira"
"ndak mau bah"
"melawan ya, ambik ni "

hahaha but the most important thing that you need to have is BIG WALLET

"kak nanti top up kan aku ya"
" kak mau makan McD nanti kirim duit ya"
"kak mau kotak pensil ben10 ya"
"kak mau ni, mau tu"

"oooooo kalau mau barang baru mau di sayang-sayang bah"

Happy moments :) 

Friday 1 March 2013

Syndrome before long leave

Do you know what is unavoidable syndrome for those who is planning to be out of office for annual leave?

Correct! Spending extra time after office hour to complete outstanding and urgent works! 

What a busy week *breathing*

4 days before leave : Warm smile though it is 8.15 p.m at office and my stomach has started playing a 
harmonious music. 

How about 3 days before leave??

1 am in the morning and i was like "oh-so-sleepy" "oh so full with chicken nuggets and fries"

And Fizi is still struggling with her "not-so-sleepy eyes" and double Chicken Mc Delux! 

Congratulation for both of us for experiencing a working life as an auditor! 
Feels like playing at Kidzania *wink* 

Though i can't fully settle all my works, but still it gives me a peaceful mind before leaving for


Phiewww...I broke my record  that i had during my internship day. 
Left our playground shortly after midnight.